
Connected Breathing

The great thing about your breath is that you can consciously choose to breathe differently. By doing this, very special things start happening. In this workshop we learn that breathwork is nothing new, it is thousands of years old. In our reason-based society it is an almost forgotten art form that is currently undergoing a serious revival. Karsten shows how we can combat these challenging overstimulated times just by harnessing the power of breath.

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Golazo - Afbeelding


Karsten Kroon

As a professional bike rider Karsten’s entire professional career spans 16 years, racing for top teams such as Rabobank, CSC, and BMC. His sporting highlight followed on July 14, 2002, when he won the 8th stage on his debut in the Tour de France. At 38 he retired from racing, a divorce followed and a search for a new balance in his life began. To his surprise, one of the most powerful tools turned out to be something that had always been with him: his own breath. His purpose is to let people experience the power of their own breath.

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